Picture this: it’s your sophomore year of your not-so-cool high school career, and you’re sitting with some friends during lunch. You’ve managed to become *slightly* known around school, and for the first time, had some sort of a reputation to uphold. There is excited chatter around the lunch table since Christmas break was soon approaching, and NOTHING could dampen the mood. In walks a guy friend of yours who you’ve heard had a crush on you, and though you spoke to him privately of his unrequited affection, the look in his eyes immediately makes your stomach drop; he was up to something. Your sweet guy friend begins to sing at the top of his lungs, “ Laaaaast Christmas I gave you my heart, but the very next day, you gave it awaaaaay….”. If that cafeteria floor could become lava to swallow you up, you’d oblige. That cringe worthy experience is now a pleasant memory when I think back to Highschool, but at the time, was mortifying for both myself and that sweet friend who still didn’t receive the response he hoped for after his serenade (my answer was still no, poor soul).      

In a world of cheery Christmas songs that detail joy and warmth, this particular song (Last Christmas by Wham) doesn’t always seem to fit in, and definitely doesn’t seem to embody the season for most. For the possible few who know what it is to feel heartbreak and loss when seemingly surrounded by the opposite, this is to let you know that this season is for you, too. Not sure why, but it has become the norm for well meaning friends and family to attempt to coerce sadness away, as if this season of celebrating the birth of our Savior, of laughter, of togetherness, of joy, can’t simultaneously exist with those who feel broken-hearted, sad, or shattered. It can! The very name of our Savior, Emannuel, reminds us of this truth; He, who is all things good, chose to come down and be present in a world that is broken and in need of Him. A duality that seems to make no sense, but THAT is the miracle we celebrate. He is with us.    

“He is close to the broken-hearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit” (Psalm 34:18), helps me envision Jesus sitting beside us when tears won’t stop falling and when the weight of life not turning out the way hoped for is overwhelming. He is close. If this is you, sweet friend, this season is as much yours as anybody else’s. There is no shame in your pain, nor will I tell you to “cheer up”. No, feel the pain of losing a loved one, cry the tears abandonment from a divorce, and do it all believing with all your heart that your Savior sees you and sits with you.    

“This year, to save me from tears, I’ll give it to someone special”. This second portion of the chorus, though still not filled with tinsel, is that of hope. Things will not always feel the way it does right now. Our Jesus is one of renewal and redemption, and no situation is beyond Him. He sits with us knowing full well the plans He will allow to unfold. I leave you with this hope during this Christmas season, Lamentations 3:24 “The Lord is my portion, says my soul, therefore I will hope in him.”