It was interesting to read carefully through the lyrics of a song that I’ve sung for years (and I encourage you to do the same). In fact, it’s a song that has been one of my Christmas favorites! I’ve realized how easy it can be to sing this song this time of year because it’s a “Christmas carol” but not really pay attention to all of the words just like it can be easy to slip into the “busy-ness” of this season and forget about or not dwell upon it’s true meaning. I’ve come to see that that the true meaning and what the life of Jesus offers us is so profoundly expressed within this song. 

It speaks of Him being man dwelling among the people and yet fully God. He came to earth to connect with people, give life to people and be a model for all to follow. Laying aside His Godhead, He experienced life, including great pain and suffering, as a man. As the song goes, He is the King! He is the Christ, the everlasting Lord, the prince of Peace, Son of Righteousness, offspring of the Favored one, the incarnate Deity, and yet He chose to come in flesh, humbly as a baby, knowing what was to come of His life, in order that we may have relationship with God. Incredible, simply incredible!

We need to be reminded to do what “HARK” means, which is “LISTEN!!” An important message is coming. Within this song, we learn that Jesus is Emmanuel (“God with us”) and offers us reconciliation, victory, mercy, peace, light, life, healing, the ability to be born again and to experience eternal life. I’d say that’s a pretty powerful reminder to us. Which of the qualities of Jesus and therefore, gifts to us do you want to focus on for this coming year? Perhaps, it would be good to ask the Holy Spirit. We need to remember that if we have this relationship with Jesus, He resides within us and therefore we have access to these qualities and are meant to display them to others. He reconciles us to Himself. Do we have relationships that need some reconciliation? Are His peace and joy characteristics of our lives? They are our portion. Lately, my eyes have been opened to the connection between joy and healing in the Word. Do we need healing? If not us, others around us certainly do! Will we see the need and step out and pray for someone to receive that healing? Does someone need to be extended mercy? Are we the light and bringing life to our family, friends and sphere of influence? Does someone need to meet Jesus in a personal way? He was born that man no more may die. He did His part; are we doing ours?

He is adored by Heaven. To adore means to love, admire and respect deeply, to worship and pay honor to someone. Do our words, actions, attitudes and life, adore Him? One way we can adore Him this season is to dwell upon and thank Him for all He has done in 2019. This is a season to have fun, enjoy traditions, decorate, celebrate with family and friends, but let’s remember the reason we have this Season, the one to whom all glory belongs. “Glory to the (new-born) King!”