I just wanted to quickly cover some tips for getting the most out of this blog. While the main part of this blog is the weekly posts, I’ve tried to include a few other features that you might find helpful.
Along the left hand side you’ll see things like Subscribe by RSS, Most Popular Tags, Other Useful Blogs, and Books to Read. I wanted to provide quick links to other resources like books and blogs that I’ve found useful for students and advisors in college ministry. If you decide that you’d like to read a couple blogs instead of just this one you can set up an RSS subscription.
Most blogs offer a way to subscribe through RSS. The most popular service for this is Google Reader, but you can subscribe using services like My Yahoo or My AOL also. Once you set this up you can easily read all your blogs in one place and it updates in real time as new articles are posted. I’ve also included tags on all my posts. This is a way for you to quickly filter through the posts by topic. For example, if you’re looking for ideas to do an event just click on events in the tags section and you can see every post that has something to do with running events.
Lastly, I wanted to encourage you to use the comments section below each post. You may not have something to say about each post, but I typically ask questions at the end to try and encourage some conversation so that we can learn from each other. Other than to provide you with resources, this was one of the biggest reasons I started the blog to begin with.
Thanks so much for reading this blog! I hope that you’ve been encouraged and seen growth in your ministry!
Have you used any of this features? What one(s) have you found most helpful? Do you have ideas for any other things that would improve the blog?