“Many of us are being robbed of a life of meaning, not because we are not committed, but because we are over committed.” That’s how my pastor started his sermon on Sunday. I’ve heard these messages before, but it’s still something I struggle with regularly.
BASIC Live was a big success! If you missed it you can still watch it by getting the watch anytime pass.
There’s so much that begs for our attention each and every day and it’s way too easy to fill up your calendar. For me, the battle that wages regularly is the desire to do great things for God, while knowing that I need rest. In fact, Jesus commended Mary for sitting at His feet while Martha was busy doing work.
There are times when we all need to take a break from being Martha and get some much needed rest. Pastor Josh said that the best way to do this is by putting margin in your life. Margin in this context is the amount available beyond what is necessary. But margin doesn’t just happen. It requires that we make choices. Jesus said Mary chose what was better.
For me, there’s no better time to add some margin than summer. Things slow down at work and I’m able to be more flexible. That is, provided that I don’t commit myself to every single summer activity that comes my way (grad parties, cookouts, etc.). I’m committing this summer to purposely take time to rest and get alone with God.
So, as the summer approaches I want to challenge you to put some margin in your schedule. Take some time to rest and recuperate from the busy school year. If you go back in the fall tired and worn out your ministry is sure to be affected, but if you go back recharged your ability to influence the campus could be greater than it’s ever been.
What have you found recharges you?