A Devotional on Glory

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One of our desires at BASIC is to be relevant and connect you with content that is going to best help you as you serve your campus and ministry context! In an effort to bring in fresh perspective and new ideas, we have asked a few student leaders and advisors to share their voice! We’ll get to hear from one of them each month. This week, we have the honor of hearing from Mariah Morse.

Mariah graduated from SUNY Cortland and has a passion for prayer and people to have genuine encounters with the Lord. She loves kids and is currently teaching this year.

“I will praise you, Lord my God, with all my heart; I will glorify your name forever.” Psalm 86:12

As the sun rises early in the morning, so shall my heart rise with praise towards my God. When the light fades behind the hills, so shall my heart quietly remember His goodness towards me. If there is one thing I was made to do, it is to give God glory in all things.

[Tweet “If there is one thing I was made to do, it is to give God glory in all things.”]

This is the most powerful revelation He has for His children. Life has no meaning other than glorifying God. The longer I serve the Lord the more gratifying I find this truth to be. I believe that without this understanding Christians would be lost in their purpose for serving the King.

What can I give a God who needs nothing from me? What can I bring my creator who is all sufficient? The Lord has answered this question many times before, and the simplicity of His response provides me relief.“Your heart,” He whispers to me. My heart is all He’s wanting.

Each time I inquire this I am given the same response. I am reminded that He endured all things that I might know this truth. He doesn’t need my love, He wants my love. My response is to love Him in return. Glorifying God begins in the heart. It begins when the affections of His people are for Him alone.

The bible tells of a purpose for all of creation, everything exists and was created by God for His pleasure (Revelation 4:11). Here lies the beauty of it all. God takes pleasure in His people. There is nothing that can be added or taken away from this truth. I cannot make God love me anymore or any less than He always has. I choose to spend my lifetime in constant affection for the Lord who has given all for me.

The purpose of my life is to continually return love to the one who loves me unconditionally. In giving Him my heart He is well glorified. Love is the highest form of obedience that glorifies the Father. In fact, God shows in His word that He will find all who love him walking in His way.

“Anyone who loves me will obey my commandments,” John 14:23.

Jesus makes it clear that when we walk in God’s way it shows love for Him. I have never shown affection for the ones I love by causing them grief. I please those I care for by doing what they ask of me. The same is true in my relationship with Christ. Jesus glorified the Father through His obedience unto death on a cross (Philippians 2:8).

Jesus did all His Father asked of Him and brought eternal glory to His kingdom. My life should mirror how Jesus loved the Father. I purpose to live in a long obedience towards all that God calls me to do. I am not forced to but want to, no matter the cost, do all He asks of me.God does not force His love on us, nor does He make us love HIm in return. Obedience is not a requirement to receive God’s love.

God is love.

Love is never forced. Love is gentle. It is patient. It is kind. Love is enduring.

I glorify my God by returning to Him the love He deserves.

I pray that my love for God would endure all seasons.

I pray that my love for God would manifest by walking in His ways.

I pray that my love for God would produce the fruit of His spirit in me.

“By this My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit; so you will be my disciples.” John 15:8

I live my life on display for the glory of God. Let all who see me see Him. That they may come to know His goodness and favor in their lives. I was made to glorify my King.

