Coffee & Rest

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It comes the very moment you wake up each morning. All your wishes and hopes for the day rush at you like wild animals. And the first job each morning consists simply in shoving them all back; in listening to that other voice, taking that other point of view, letting that other larger, stronger, quieter life come flowing in. And so on, all day. Standing back from all your natural fussings and frettings; coming in out of the wind.

—C. S. Lewis

The chills of the rain and wind ruin what I believe the beauty of this May afternoon should be. Rather than warming up with a hot cup of something delicious, I choose to stay cool and go for my favorite lavender and ginger latte (Sounds crazy, but you MUST try it!). I wait patiently to be joined in this quaint coffee shop by an old friend, where there will be full conversations, endless laughs, and words of encouragement that bring hope to my soul.

My name is Anna Marie. I love coffee, Jesus, my wonderful husband, teaching my sixth graders, and my house tiger, Rajah (not necessarily in that order). You and I may never meet, but I hope the connections that will be made through the words typed across this page, and the pages to come, will bring you encouragement, hope, vision, useful and applicable tools, and of course, the desperate need to try a lavender and ginger iced latte (as seen on the left).

Rest. Something I have been longing for. I don’t just mean a good night sleep. I mean the rest that comes from being in the quiet place–the presence of the Lover of My Soul. I long to return and to stay in this place of deep rest. My calendar, rather, longs to remind me of school deadlines, lessons to be written, activities to be created, coffee dates to be had, that hiding laundry by the washer doesn’t mean that it is done….and so on.

My life is full of GOOD things.

Encountering Jesus at 17 has forever changed the course of my life as I joyfully grabbed His hand and accepted the journey of a lifetime. I have an amazing church, friendships that encourage me to grow, mentors who are always there, students who make me see all of the good I can do (and all that needs to go), fulfilling ministries, a husband who is truly the Aladdin to my Jasmine, and a cat who completes our magical family.

In the midst of all of these good things, it is easy to become distracted by what the Lord has blessed me with and miss the times where I need to enter into His presence.

Is there anything keeping you from entering into that quiet place? A busy schedule? Pursuit of goals? Family obligations? Shame? Fear? Anger? Whatever it is, I pray we overcome these obstacles that would keep us from fully entering in and knowing the peace of the Lord that passes all understanding (Philippians 4:7). That we would be changed as our mind renews through His word (Romans 12:2) and the hope we have would not only anchor our souls, but those around us who are lost and desperate for truth & this love we have been given.

This rest–His presence, is what will change our hearts and minds. It’s what will bring healing and renewal to the depths of our souls. As we commune with our Heavenly Father, our lives will be changed. Our classrooms, dorm rooms, and college campuses will be changed. Families and relationships will be healed. Generational ties will be broken. Destinies will be realized. We will know who we truly are and who we were made to be in our Lord and Savior, Christ Jesus.

[Tweet ” As we commune with our Heavenly Father, our lives will be changed. “]

My prayer over you:

Lord, thank you for this son/daughter whom You have called to know Your deep love for them & to be a part of Your amazing plan to make what is on earth as it is in heaven. I pray You would increase their hunger to know Your character, Your heart, and Your thoughts. Continue to pursue them in this life and bring them to amazing places and opportunities that reflect Your goodness and heart for them. Help them to enter into the life giving rest of Your presence.


Practical ways to find rest in the Lord:

  1. Plan time to rest
    • Wake up early to spend time with the Lord by praying, worshiping, reading your word or a devotional.
  2. Journaling
    • Life can be distracting. Grab your journal, a good pen (coffee!), and begin writing your prayers, appreciations, experiences and emotions to the Lord.
  3. Being still  (Psalm 46:10)
    • Be diligent to sit in a time of silence before the Lord. I like to put on worship music, sit in a comfy chair, and close my eyes. Being still before Him allows me to actively enter into His presence–a place of peace.

