Fun Idea For Meetings: Interactive Trivia Games

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Last year our staff was traveling together and decided to go out for some food at Buffalo Wild Wings. We sat down, ordered our food and then I suggested one of my favorite things to do whenever I go to Buffalo Wild Wings – playing trivia. For the next half hour we had fun trying to answer the questions together, arguing over who was right and seeing if we could beat the other people playing in the restaurant.

I’m always looking for ways to inject some fun into weekly meetings. Recently one of our staff members told me about a website for creating interactive quizzes and games that reminded me of our time at Buffalo Wild Wings. It’s called Kahoot. It’s totally free (my favorite price) and pretty easy to set up.

You could use these for people to play pre-meeting as the room is filling up or include it as a fun activity somewhere during the meeting. Once you set up an account you can create your own quiz or choose from thousands of games that others have already made. There’s quizzes about everything like Super Bowl trivia, the Bible, pop culture and I even found one called “Finish the Disney song!”

One person serves as the administrator by starting the game and then advancing the questions. Before the game starts, people who want to play go to on their phones and enter the pin number associated with the game they have chosen.

You can check out a sample game ahead of time to get an idea for how it works. Just make sure you have the administrative side open on your computer and use your phone or another computer to play when you try it out. You can also use Kahoot to ask a discussion question or do a full survey and get responses.

This is a great way to incorporate some fun into your meetings, laugh together and determine who’s the nerdiest (ahem, smartest) person in the group! 


photo credit: Other Worlds – USC IMD MFA Thesis Show 2012 via photopin (license)

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