A Cheap, Easy Way To Advertise Your College Ministry

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Looking for a cheap, easy way to spread the word about your college ministry? We just recently visited the BASIC group at Suffolk County Community College and picked up this idea from them.

All it takes is water bottles, lollipops, mailing labels and some decorative packing tape. Get some water bottles that you can easily pull the labels off of, then replace the label with tape that has a fun pattern. You can buy the decorative tape at Walmart or any craft store. 

Slap a mailing label on top of the tape with your group’s meeting time and information and stick a lollipop in between the water bottle and the tape. Everyone drinks water and everyone likes lollipops. And the decorative tape is eye catching for when you’re handing these out on campus. 

[su_quote cite=””]In just a couple of hours and for relatively little money you’ll have a fun way to get the word out to hundreds of students.[/su_quote]

You could set up an info table to hand these out and answer questions people have about BASIC or you could just walk around campus handing them out. It wouldn’t take more than an hour or two to give out a couple hundred. 

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