Staying In Tune With Each Generation

When I was in my senior year of college I noticed something. The people three years behind me – even two years – were very different from me and my friends. There was an obvious culture shift happening in our college ministry and it had nothing to do with me. This is when I first realized that ministry, but especially campus ministry, can’t remain the same or it gets stale.

We make a big mistake if we assume that every generation is the same and keep going about blindly doing ministry the way it’s always been done.

Or even the way it’s been done the last 5 years. The truth of the matter is that the culture of your ministry will probably change every 2-3 years, but are you changing with it? I’m not talking about change just for the sake of change. In fact, I was just reading about the importance of helping students put down roots. What I am talking about is being sensitive to the emotional and spiritual needs of your students and how they will transform over time.

The students you’ve had over the past couple years may have been go getters who barely needed a push to go witness, hold prayer meetings, and plan events. And now all of a sudden you’re looking around at the new group wondering why they lack motivation and always seem like they need counseling. Or maybe for you it’s the opposite case and you find yourself having to reign them in (a great problem to have!).

Whatever it is for you, here are 5 things to do and corresponding questions to ask to be aware of the ever changing culture:

  • Study them: what trends do you see?
  • Pray for them: what does God want to do in their lives?
  • Hang out with them: what activities do they enjoy?
  • Impart to them: how can I connect with them where they’re at?
  • Guide them: how can I help them make wise choices?

As campus ministers if we don’t know our audience, then we risk losing our voice and impact. What questions do you ask to make sure you’re keeping pace with the shift in culture?