Are You Someone Worth Following?


That’s a loaded question and one that doesn’t have an easy answer. But it is something you should be asking yourself regularly because, whether you realize it or not, people are watching you.

I’m often reminded of this when someone comments on my marriage. Thankfully they always say very kind things about my relationship with my wife and the example that we set. But when they say something like, “You guys are such a Godly couple and a great example of what marriage should look like,” I’m totally blown away. First, because my wife and I aren’t even close to perfect and neither is our marriage, but by God’s grace we are setting a good example for others. Second, because I’m not thinking daily about how people are watching me.

So, this week instead of giving you a tip on how to do more effective college ministry I wanted to challenge you in an area that applies to everyone in leadership by asking the question are you someone worth following? This question can be applied to many areas of our lives – our spiritual walk, how we manage finances, our marriage, how we take care of our bodies and our health, the ways we interact with others, etc.

It’s certainly hard to excel in every area, but there may be some that God is highlighting for you right now that need to be worked on. Tip: if you feel like you’re doing great in every area just ask someone close enough to you who will be honest. Remember that we are all a work in progress and certainly no one is perfect. After all, that’s why we are in constant need of God’s grace.

However, you are leading someone. People are watching you whether you realize it or not. Ask yourself as you go throughout your day, “Am I someone worth following?”