Now that you’ve made it through the first couple weeks alive here’s a quick list of nine areas to focus on for the remainder of the fall semester.
1. Cultivating a tight-knit community. To quote from the classic movie Field of Dreams, “If you build it they will come” …and stay.
2. Discipling any new or young believers who have joined your group.
3. Developing and imparting all you can to your student leaders. The more you can delegate tasks and teach your leaders the easier the rest of your school year will go.
4. Getting as many students as possible to BASICcon.
5. Planning for the spring semester.
6. Assessing and improving on what your group has already done this fall.
7. Taking time to recharge and meet with the Lord regularly. This one act may benefit your students the most.
8. Establishing a great follow up system to touch base with students who come to your group for the first time if you don’t have one already.
9. Getting students to church and actively involved in church life.
This list won’t be the same for everyone depending on where your group is at, but I think most of these can apply at this point in the semester. I’m excited to hear the stories of what God does on each campus as we continue to seek God for His best this fall!