3 Ways to Activate Summer Growth

With the end of school drawing near and students preparing to transition I wanted to discuss ways for us to activate our summer for maximum growth. Students will be going home, traveling, taking on internships or working. Some are graduating, some are sticking around for summer classes. As students and leaders, there is an excitement that comes with summer as we look forward to a slower pace, vacations, adventures and time for relaxing. However, there is also an acknowledgment that with summer break comes not so great things; things like apathy, temptation, and busyness. Without a regular meeting, how can we encourage our students to keep seeking after Jesus?

1. Stay Connected

Most BASIC groups have some sort of social media outlet (Instagram, Facebook,  ie.) that you can utilize to keep the group connected. It is an easy way for you to post weekly sermons, worship songs, prayer or scripture that can grow and stir the students. Encourage all members to participate by posting things that stuck out to them in their own time with the Lord. By taking the time to do this, you are showing the students that they are important and that you are available for them.

2. Church Participation

While we can connect with out students on social media, nothing beats face to face relationship. We know the importance of being part of a local body and the benefits that come with it. For some students, the BASIC meeting is all the church experience they have encountered. Encourage students to get plugged into a church over the summer. By regularly attending and serving at church, they will have multiple opportunities to grow, ask questions and mature in their walk. Participating in church also surrounds us with people who will care for and support us. Some students might be going back to hard circumstances and the church can be a place for them to find the support they need.

3. Make Goals

For students and leaders alike, making goals for our summer helps us work towards something. Summer is the perfect time for reflecting on the year, looking at areas for improvement, and studying things we want to learn more about. Check out this summer growth plan: http://campusministry.org/tools/summer-growth-plan. It helps us ask good questions and make healthy goals. Do you want to read more books? Do you want to learn more about the Holy Spirit? Do you want to grow in prayer? Take time to study and learn!

These are just three ways to take this summer season to the next level! Summer may look different for all of us, but we can all continue to seek after all God has for us in this season. There are things God wants to teach us and grow in us, how will we take Him up on it? What other things are you going to do to position yourself to grow this summer? Be encouraged that in every season, God is active and moving in you and through you!