14 Things Not to Do this Valentine’s Day

I love Valentine’s Day, and I really love LOVE. But there are some things that even I find too cliché for Valentine’s Day. Here is what NOT to do this year.


1. Don’t Complain that You’re Single


Relax. You’re single? So what. Please do not go around posting all over Instagram that you’re celebrating “Single’s Awareness Day,” and that you’re “forever alone.” You my friend, are not alone, but joined by millions of others in the world who lack a S.O. on VDay.


2. Don’t Brag About Your Relationship



I do not need to be reminded that you are in a happy, committed relationship on February 14th when you’re consistently Instagramming your relationship daily. Instead of posting about how thankful you are for your S.O, how about you go tell them face-to-face.


3. Don’t Eat an Entire Box of Chocolate in One Sitting



First, chocolate is way overpriced this time of year, so wait for the sales. Second, no one wants that post-dairy bloat after eating all of the milk chocolate in the world from emotional eating on Valentine’s Day.


4. Don’t Buy Your S.O a Useless Gift


Okay yes, giant teddy bears are cute on February 14th, however they get insanely creepy after the season is over. Don’t buy your S.O a gift that will be sitting around taking up (very limited) space in his or her home. No one wants heart-shaped decor all over their space.


5. Don’t Be Cheap


I’m all for saving money, shopping on sale, and looking for deals but please do not brag to your S.O about how CHEAP you got his or her gift because of a coupon you used.


6. Don’t Watch the Notebook



Watching The Notebook on February 14th is the biggest cliche of all clichés, not to mention all of the false expectations of what a real and healthy relationship looks like.


7.  Don’t Take an Unrealistic Couple Photo


I just have so many questions when it comes to couples photos. Like who is there? Who is the third wheel, watching this happen, and not only watching but taking pictures? I will never understand.


8. Don’t Go Out to a Fancy Dinner



Go out to dinner on February 13th or February 15th, because February 14th is crowded and most of the time booked. Good luck getting a reservation, because most people book weeks in advance.  Unless you go to Taco Bell.


9. Don’t Spend an Obscene Amount of Money on Roses



Florists love Valentine’s Day because of the demand for flowers, specifically roses, which can easily add up to $100+ for a solid bouquet. You can find so many other options for a beautiful bouquet of flowers where you won’t break the bank.

10. Don’t Expect a Proposal



It’s easy to have high exceptions on Valentine’s Day, but please do not expect a proposal from your S.O (I hope he wouldn’t propose on  VDay because again, cliché). Enjoy your time with each other and throw expectations out the window so you won’t be disappointed and can enjoy the evening.


11. Don’t Celebrate Solo



Even if you’re single, you shouldn’t be alone on Valentine’s Day. Grab a group of friends and go bowling, celebrate “Galentine’s Day” Leslie Knope style, or have a movie marathon with your close group of friends. Don’t wallow in self-pity for not having a date, but go out and have a great time.


12. Don’t Be Glued to Your Phone


Enjoy the person/people you’re with. Don’t be checking social media every five minutes. You can scroll through your feed at the end of the night. Be in the moment, take a few pictures, and enjoy whatever plans you have.


13. Don’t Stalk Your Ex



Please, please, please do not stalk your ex on facebook to see what he or she may be up to today. It’s creepy, it’s unhealthy, and you’re preventing yourself from enjoying your time with friends.


14. Don’t Dwell on the Past



Sometimes we can dwell on past relationships especially on the international day of “love.” Don’t dwell on the past because you’re not able to change anything, but focus on being in the moment and look forward to the future.